Here are some other, older projects that showcase my UI and visual design skills, and “just for fun” art projects. Let me know if you’d like the back story on any of these projects.
Web & App
Autism Family Homes Shop website
I was the initial designer/ developer/ SEO consultant for this e-commerce magazine site.
Isabelle McDonald website, using SquareSpace
Orion Wealth Advisors website
A partial redesign and refresh for one of my early freelance clients.
Metamorphose, Bandcamp page
I helped my musician friend with art, colors and typography for her Bandcamp page
Mailchimp Newsletter Christmas 2012
For my freelance clients.
Ira Sliver Website
I didn't design this, but was called on to do a rush job of hack repair.
Random Graphic Design
Boskone 47 Registration Form
UI on paper! I completely re-designed the original form for easier use standing in long lines.
Kitchener Stitch Ebook Cover
My first knitting ebook, briefly an iPhone app.
Ket Waters - High Strung Album art
Ket, a talented young fiddler, asked me to put together the art for her first albim.
Dr Pfeffer can label
A very early art project, for a PhD friend.
Yearbook Cover
I was the yearbook designer for my son's 5th grade class.
Personal Airship Bumper Sticker
A bit of fun graphic design.
Logo, Union of Mad Engineers
for a fictional organization, available for sale at
E*3 website logo
Unused logo for "Exercise Emotional Energy" products.